"Dear Dr. Minami
Your full license to practice medicine in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is due to expire on xxx, xxx 2025. Your renewal application is now available in the BORIM License Management System at https://medboard.mass.gov/.
Your username is xxx. You will need to login to the system with this user account to renew your license. If you forgot the password for this account you can reset your password using the forgot password option on the login page by entering your email address associated to the account. A video tutorial on resetting your password can be found here.
For your license to remain current and not lapse, you must submit a complete renewal application before your license expires. You are required to update any information that has changed. You are also required to pay the biennial license fee of $600.00 prior to submission.
The Board’s regulations require that you earn Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits for renewal of your license.
For detailed information regarding the renewal process or requirements, and CME and Educational Training Requirements, please review the Board's guidance available at https://www.mass.gov/how-to/renew-my-physician-full-license.
There are also tutorial videos on the renewal process, and how to create a new account and link your license.
Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine"
というわけで、20個ほどのプロセスを経て免許の更新作業を行います。なによりもこの更新作業の際に様々なCME Creditsを要求されるのが面倒くさいですが、まあ仕方ありません。というわけで、様々な質問に答え、必要とされるCMEを確認して終了。年始の免許更新が無事終わったのでした。$600(つまり九万円程度ですな)を払わないといけませんが、これは流石に病院から「必要経費」としてReimburseしていただけます(ですよね?)。