Saturday, June 05, 2010

The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs

The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs
タイトルは「スティーブ・ジョブスの秘密の日記」ですがもちろん書いているのはアップルのCEOたる本人ではなく(だったらえらいこっちゃ)Daniel Lyonsというエディターの方です。

Daniel Lyons

Do not believe reports about multitasking in iPhone OS 4.0

Do you fucking people have nothing better to do with your lives than worry what we may or may not do with some future version of iPhone? Really? This is what you sit around doing? Sneaking around trying to pry out weird bits of information about what might happen in the next version of an operating system for a phone? And then debating them on blogs and comment strings and calling each other names and trying to claim bragging rights for being the best at predicting future Apple features? Listen to me: You need to get a life. Find some woods, and go for a walk. Go to the gym. Read a good book. Go volunteer at a food bank or homeless shelter. Go join a protest about health care. But sweet mother of Jesus stop worrying about your fucking iPhone, okay?Repeat after me: It's just a phone. Regain some perspective, you big weenie losers.
